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Zestaw rozwojowy z STM32F7 STM32F746IGT6 Zestaw B

Cena:: 570,00 zł
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Producent: WaveShare
Kod produktu: Open746I-C Package B Waveshare 14281

Open746I-C platforma rozwojowa z mikrokontrolerem STM32F746IGT6 składająca się z płyty bazowej do której podłączamy wszelkie peryferia oraz płyty Core746I z mikrokontrolerem, pamięcią SDRAM i blokiem zasilania.

Open746I-C umożliwia rozbudowę o moduły peryferii firmy waveshare np. wyświetlacze LCD, moduły ethernet, dodatkową pamięć, kamery itp. rozbudowę ułatwiają dedykowane złącza. 

Zestaw umożliwia pracę z wyświetlaczami od 4,3" do 10,1" 1024x600 z panelami dotykowymi pojemnościowymi oraz rezystancyjnymi.


Płyta bazowa:

  1. MCU core board connector: for easily connecting the Core746I
  2. Arduino interface: for connecting Arduino shields
  3. DCMI interface: for connecting camera
  4. 8-bit FMC interface: easily connects to peripherals such as NandFlash
  5. ULPI interface: for connecting high-speed USB peripheral (the STM32F746I integrates USB HS controller without any PHY device)
  6. LCD interface 1: for connecting 10.1inch LCD, 7inch LCD
  7. LCD interface 2: for connecting 4.3inch LCD
  8. SAI1 interface: for connecting audio modules like UDA1380 module
  9. ICSP interface: Arduino ICSP
  10. SPI1/SPI2 interfaces:
     easily connects to SPI peripherals such as DataFlash (AT45DBxx, W25QXX), SD card, MP3 module, etc.
     easily connects to AD/DA modules (SPI1 features AD/DA alternative function)
  11. Ethernet interface: for connecting Ethernet modules
  12. I2S2/I2S3/I2C1 interface: easily connects to I2S peripherals such as audio module, etc.
  13. USART1 connector: USB to UASRT via the onboard convertor CP2102 
  14. QUADSPI interface: 4-wires SPI interface (the F7 series latest peripheral interface), for connecting serial Flash modules like W25QXX Board
  15. SDMMC interface: for connecting Micro SD module, features much faster access speed rather than SPI
  16. USART3 interface: easily connects to RS232, RS485, USB TO 232, etc.
  17. CAN2 interface: for connecting CAN modules
  18. CAN1 interface: for connecting CAN modules
  19. I2C1/I2C4 interface: easily connects to I2C peripherals such as I/O expander (PCF8574), EEPROM (AT24Cxx), 10 DOF IMU Sensor, etc.
  20. MCU pins connector: all the MCU I/O ports are accessible on expansion connectors for further expansion
  21. 5V DC jack
  22. 5V/3.3V power input/output: usually used as power output, also common-grounding with other user board
  23. Power supply switch: powered from 5VDC OR USB connection of the USART1
  24. CP2102: USB to UART convertor
  25. LEDs: convenient for indicating I/O status and/or program running state
  26. Joystick: five positions
  27. WAKE UP button: used as regular button, and/or wake up the STM32 MCU from sleep
  28. Reset button
  29. USART1 jumper
  30. LED jumper
    short the jumper to connect to default I/Os used in example code
    open the jumper to connect to custom I/Os via jumper wires
  31. KEY jumper
    short the jumper to connect to default I/Os used in example code
    open the jumper to connect to custom I/Os via jumper wires
  32. Arduino jumper
    short the upper pins, A4, A5 is used as AD function
    short the lower pins, A4, A5 is used as I2C function

Moduł Core746I

  1. STM32F746IGT6: the high performance STM32 MCU which features:
    Core: Cortex-M7 32-bit RISC + FPU + Chrom-ART graphic accelerator
    Feature: single-cycle DSP instructions
    Operating Frequency: 216MHz, 462 DMIPS/2.14 DMIPS/MHz
    Operating Voltage: 1.7V-3.6V
    Package: LQFP176
    Memories: 1024kB Flash, 320+16+4kB SRAM

    MCU communication Interfaces:
           6 x SPI, 4 x USART, 4 x UART, 3 x I2S, 4 x I2C
           2 x CAN, 1 x QUAD-SPI, 1 x DCMI, 2 x SAI
           1 x FMC, 1 x SDMMC, 14 x TIM , 1xLPTIM
           1 xLCD-TFT, 1xSPDIFRX, 1xHDMI-CEC
           1 x USB 2.0 OTG FS
           1 x USB 2.0 OTG HS (supports external HS PHY through ULPI)
           1 x 10/100 Ethernet MAC
           AD & DA converters: 3 x AD (12-bit); 2 x DA (12-bit)
           Debugging/Programming: supports JTAG/SWD interfaces, supports IAP
  2. IS42S16400J: SDRAM 1 Meg Bits x 16 Bits x 4 Banks (64-MBIT)
  3. MIC2075: onboard USB power management device
  4. AMS1117-3.3: 3.3V voltage regulator
  5. 8M crystal
  6. 32.768K crystal, for internal RTC with calibration
  7. Reset button
  9. Power indicator
  10. Power supply switch, powered from 5Vin or USB connection
  11. Boot mode selection, for configuring BOOT0 pin
  12. JTAG/SWD interface: for debugging/programming
  13. USB connector, supports Device and/or Host
  14. MCU pins expander, VCC, GND and all the I/O pins are accessible on expansion connectors for further expansion
  15. Power jumper
    VBAT: short the jumper to use system power supply, open it to connect external power, such as battery
    VREF: short the jumper to connect VREF+ to VCC, open it to connect VREF+ to other custom pin via jumper wire
  16. OTG jumper
    short the jumper when using USB OTG/HOST
    open the jumper to disconnect from related I/O port


Development Resources

  • Schematic
  • Demo code (examples in C, FreeRTOS, μC/OS-III)
  • STM32 development software (KEIL, STM32CubeMX, etc.)
  • STM32 datasheets
  • STM32 development documentations



Wymiary zewnętrzne:

 Zestaw zawiera:

  1. Open746I-C development board z Core746I x 1
  2. Kabel USB type A na micro B x 1
  3. Kabel USB type A receptacle to micro B x 1
  4. Przewody 4-pin 2-pin x 1
  5. Zasilacz 5V x 1


Zestaw w porównaniu z zestawem standardowym został rozbudowany i zawiera dodatkowo:

  1. Wyświetlacz LCD 7" 1024x600 z pojemnościowym panelem dotykowym: 7inch Capacitive Touch LCD (F)
  2. Moduł ethernet:  DP83848 Ethernet Board
  3. Moduł USB: USB3300 USB HS Board
  4. Moduł cyfrowego audio I2S: UDA1380 Board
  5. Adapter kart pamięci: Micro SD Storage Board
  6. Kamerę: OV2640 Camera Board
  7. Moduł z pamięcią Flash: W25QXX DataFlash Board
  8. Moduł: 10 DOF IMU Sensor (C)
  9. Moduł z transceiverem magistrali CAN SN65HVD230 x 2: SN65HVD230 CAN Board
  10. Moduł Analog Test Board
  11. Taśmę 40-pin FFC
  12. Adaptery umożliwiające montaż wyświetlacza






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