Zestaw rozwojowy z STM32F7 STM32F746IGT6 Zestaw B
towar niedostępny
Open746I-C platforma rozwojowa z mikrokontrolerem STM32F746IGT6 składająca się z płyty bazowej do której podłączamy wszelkie peryferia oraz płyty Core746I z mikrokontrolerem, pamięcią SDRAM i blokiem zasilania.
Open746I-C umożliwia rozbudowę o moduły peryferii firmy waveshare np. wyświetlacze LCD, moduły ethernet, dodatkową pamięć, kamery itp. rozbudowę ułatwiają dedykowane złącza.
Zestaw umożliwia pracę z wyświetlaczami od 4,3" do 10,1" 1024x600 z panelami dotykowymi pojemnościowymi oraz rezystancyjnymi.
Płyta bazowa:
- MCU core board connector: for easily connecting the Core746I
- Arduino interface: for connecting Arduino shields
- DCMI interface: for connecting camera
- 8-bit FMC interface: easily connects to peripherals such as NandFlash
- ULPI interface: for connecting high-speed USB peripheral (the STM32F746I integrates USB HS controller without any PHY device)
- LCD interface 1: for connecting 10.1inch LCD, 7inch LCD
- LCD interface 2: for connecting 4.3inch LCD
- SAI1 interface: for connecting audio modules like UDA1380 module
- ICSP interface: Arduino ICSP
- SPI1/SPI2 interfaces:
easily connects to SPI peripherals such as DataFlash (AT45DBxx, W25QXX), SD card, MP3 module, etc.
easily connects to AD/DA modules (SPI1 features AD/DA alternative function) - Ethernet interface: for connecting Ethernet modules
- I2S2/I2S3/I2C1 interface: easily connects to I2S peripherals such as audio module, etc.
- USART1 connector: USB to UASRT via the onboard convertor CP2102
- QUADSPI interface: 4-wires SPI interface (the F7 series latest peripheral interface), for connecting serial Flash modules like W25QXX Board
- SDMMC interface: for connecting Micro SD module, features much faster access speed rather than SPI
- USART3 interface: easily connects to RS232, RS485, USB TO 232, etc.
- CAN2 interface: for connecting CAN modules
- CAN1 interface: for connecting CAN modules
- I2C1/I2C4 interface: easily connects to I2C peripherals such as I/O expander (PCF8574), EEPROM (AT24Cxx), 10 DOF IMU Sensor, etc.
- MCU pins connector: all the MCU I/O ports are accessible on expansion connectors for further expansion
- 5V DC jack
- 5V/3.3V power input/output: usually used as power output, also common-grounding with other user board
- Power supply switch: powered from 5VDC OR USB connection of the USART1
- CP2102: USB to UART convertor
- LEDs: convenient for indicating I/O status and/or program running state
- Joystick: five positions
- WAKE UP button: used as regular button, and/or wake up the STM32 MCU from sleep
- Reset button
- USART1 jumper
- LED jumper
short the jumper to connect to default I/Os used in example code
open the jumper to connect to custom I/Os via jumper wires - KEY jumper
short the jumper to connect to default I/Os used in example code
open the jumper to connect to custom I/Os via jumper wires - Arduino jumper
short the upper pins, A4, A5 is used as AD function
short the lower pins, A4, A5 is used as I2C function
Moduł Core746I
- STM32F746IGT6: the high performance STM32 MCU which features:
Core: Cortex-M7 32-bit RISC + FPU + Chrom-ART graphic accelerator
Feature: single-cycle DSP instructions
Operating Frequency: 216MHz, 462 DMIPS/2.14 DMIPS/MHz
Operating Voltage: 1.7V-3.6V
Package: LQFP176
Memories: 1024kB Flash, 320+16+4kB SRAM
MCU communication Interfaces:
6 x SPI, 4 x USART, 4 x UART, 3 x I2S, 4 x I2C
2 x CAN, 1 x QUAD-SPI, 1 x DCMI, 2 x SAI
1 x FMC, 1 x SDMMC, 14 x TIM , 1xLPTIM
1 x USB 2.0 OTG FS
1 x USB 2.0 OTG HS (supports external HS PHY through ULPI)
1 x 10/100 Ethernet MAC
AD & DA converters: 3 x AD (12-bit); 2 x DA (12-bit)
Debugging/Programming: supports JTAG/SWD interfaces, supports IAP - IS42S16400J: SDRAM 1 Meg Bits x 16 Bits x 4 Banks (64-MBIT)
- MIC2075: onboard USB power management device
- AMS1117-3.3: 3.3V voltage regulator
- 8M crystal
- 32.768K crystal, for internal RTC with calibration
- Reset button
- Power indicator
- Power supply switch, powered from 5Vin or USB connection
- Boot mode selection, for configuring BOOT0 pin
- JTAG/SWD interface: for debugging/programming
- USB connector, supports Device and/or Host
- MCU pins expander, VCC, GND and all the I/O pins are accessible on expansion connectors for further expansion
- Power jumper
VBAT: short the jumper to use system power supply, open it to connect external power, such as battery
VREF: short the jumper to connect VREF+ to VCC, open it to connect VREF+ to other custom pin via jumper wire - OTG jumper
short the jumper when using USB OTG/HOST
open the jumper to disconnect from related I/O port
Development Resources
- Schematic
- Demo code (examples in C, FreeRTOS, μC/OS-III)
- STM32 development software (KEIL, STM32CubeMX, etc.)
- STM32 datasheets
- STM32 development documentations
Wiki: Open746I-C
Wymiary zewnętrzne:
Zestaw zawiera:
- Open746I-C development board z Core746I x 1
- Kabel USB type A na micro B x 1
- Kabel USB type A receptacle to micro B x 1
- Przewody 4-pin 2-pin x 1
- Zasilacz 5V x 1
Zestaw w porównaniu z zestawem standardowym został rozbudowany i zawiera dodatkowo:
- Wyświetlacz LCD 7" 1024x600 z pojemnościowym panelem dotykowym: 7inch Capacitive Touch LCD (F)
- Moduł ethernet: DP83848 Ethernet Board
- Moduł USB: USB3300 USB HS Board
- Moduł cyfrowego audio I2S: UDA1380 Board
- Adapter kart pamięci: Micro SD Storage Board
- Kamerę: OV2640 Camera Board
- Moduł z pamięcią Flash: W25QXX DataFlash Board
- Moduł: 10 DOF IMU Sensor (C)
- Moduł z transceiverem magistrali CAN SN65HVD230 x 2: SN65HVD230 CAN Board
- Moduł Analog Test Board
- Taśmę 40-pin FFC
- Adaptery umożliwiające montaż wyświetlacza
30,90 zł